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Urist closed out qualifying in the third slot with a 7.38 effort, and would face Chris Burleson in the opening round. After sending Burleson and round two opponent Travis Franklin home early, John received a competition bye in the third round that would place him straight into the final. But in an interesting turn of events, Macdonald experienced parts breakage in round two and was unable to meet Chip Havemann in the third round, and the door was then wide open for Urist and Team Hellion to make their move. In the final round, Havemann was no match for Urist, as John blasted off into the darkness for the win that earned him enough points to claim his sixth NMRA crown.
Said Urist, “Winning our sixth championship was not only incredibly exciting but also extremely rewarding. After all the seasons ups and downs, we were able to win our 6th for not only team Hellion, but for all our sponsors as well. Without their support we could not have won this year. We look forward to defending our championship next year!”